Yay! I'm doing all of it except the distanced seating. But when we're eating I watch that C02 monitor like a hawk, and go around opening extra windows if needed. Oh - and we're going to install far-UVC lights eventually (the lead times are long).

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Thank you for all your recommendations❤️ Your passion for keeping others up to date on PH is very much appreciated! Happy Holidays🎄Stay safe!

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Thanks for all of your informative posts and helping people stay safe during the ongoing pandemic! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

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Brilliant & informative as always!

Have you come across any reading about how long 1 should wait before getting boosted (especially the bivalent) after having Covid?

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Yes, the current evidence suggest a relatively low risk of reinfection in the first 90 days after infection and 3-6 months is the usual recommended interval before the next dose. If risks are higher due to community infection risk levels and personal risks like where you work and your age and heath status, you might want to look at a shorter interval than 6 months. This is general advice, seek a medical professional who can better answer your question specifically for you.

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Removed (Banned)Dec 17, 2022
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Bill is doing awesome work! But for people like you, I hope you keep getting covid over and over and become disabled by long covid then your perspective might change. As the old saying goes, just keep fucking around and you will find out! Merry Christmas loser!!

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Jan 15, 2023·edited Jan 15, 2023

Actually you are 100% wrong! I've never had covid and am extremely careful, always wearing and N-95 mask and care a lot for other people. The person insulted Bill so I gave that guy a piece of my mind. If people want to keep getting covid over and over, they will find out what happens!

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Matt, do you know anyone who had covid? Did they die? Were they disabled from it?

I had covid, I didn't die and I am not disabled from it (well, no more disabled than having 10 beers on a saturday night anyway! That kills brain cells too you know!). Almost everyone I know have got covid and no one died and no one was disabled from it. Now, I am not saying no one has died of covid. I know people have died from it. But if it's as great as the media and people like Bill say it is, how come I don't know a SINGLE person who has died or been disabled by it? If it was as bad as you say, wouldn't I know at least one person? A guy at my work died of fleshing eating disease! Flesh eating disease!!!! How rare is that? Yet that is one more person than I know who died of Covid...

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